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We believe that experience of hearing loss should be visible and understood in New Zealand.
We have created a number of resources to help Deaf and hard of hearing teens, adults, and their families. You can find these below.
Resources For Families
We have a range of free resources available to help you and your family learn more about hearing loss.
These include a quick guide for teachers, information for parents, NZSL posters, our annual magazine and more.

New Zealand Sign Language Posters
New Zealand Sign Language (NZSL) is one of New Zealand's official languages through the New Zealand Sign Language Act 2006.
NZSL is a beautiful and expressive language that is used by the Deaf community. But anyone can learn! As more New Zealanders learn to sign the more accessible and inclusive our society will become.
Other useful online resources include Learn NZSL, the NZSL Dictionary and the Deaf Wellbeing Society.

Quick Guide for Teachers
This is a great resource to give to teachers who have a student with hearing loss. There are a number of small changes that teachers can put in place to help, including managing background noise, making lessons more visual, setting up a buddy system, and providing more time for tasks.

Awareness Resources
Small changes can make a big difference!
We've created the following awareness posters that you can download and print and hang in your home or where you work.
They are a useful reminder for everyone to be more aware of inclusive communication that better supports the Deaf and hard of hearing community.
Place these visual reminders in areas, such as meeting rooms or at your reception area, or anywhere where accessible communication is essential.

Be Hearing Loss Aware at Work
We're encouraging organisations to make a commitment to New Zealand's Deaf and Hard of Hearing community.
By hanging this poster, and making sure all staff are aware of these simple communication strategies, you'll be helping to make things just a little easier for our community.

Hearing Loss Aware Communication
Is your space hearing loss aware? Whether it's an office, a club, your home, or recreational space. With just some small changes to your communication style, you'll be making a big difference.
Follow these simple tips to create more inclusive spaces for the Deaf and hard of hearing community.

Buddy Card
The Buddy Card is a wallet-sized visual cue you can use to easily explain to others your needs and how to be more hearing loss aware.
You can also use your Buddy Card to gain free entry to selected Event Cinemas on Tuesdays to watch movies with captioning.
The National Foundation for Deaf and Hard of Hearing is a not-for-profit charitable trust that has served and advocated for the Deaf and hard of hearing community in New Zealand for over 40 years.
We are dedicated to creating a more inclusive and equitable society that recognises the experiences of hearing loss. We believe everyone can play a role in raising awareness and supporting the 880,000+ New Zealanders who are Deaf or hard of hearing.
The Foundation also focuses on advocating for accessible hearing healthcare at all life stages, and preventing rising levels of noise-induced hearing loss through screening and education.
What is National Foundation for Deaf and Hard of Hearing?
NFDHH works with our community, schools, retirement villages, workplaces, the hearing sector and Central Government to ensure the experience of Deafness and hearing loss are understood and recognised and that caring for hearing health is prioritised at every life-stage.
We know that a timely diagnosis is key to rehabilitation, that’s why we provide Hearing Screening in secondary schools and workplaces. We also provide vital education on how to care for hearing for life and on Deaf culture.
We offer grants and scholarships to Deaf and hard of hearing Kiwis to assist with accessing hearing aids, furthering their education, or giving back to the Deaf and hard of hearing community through events or services.
NFDHH also provides a community outreach programme, which includes a Retirement Village workshops, helpline, newsletters and online community support. It a life-line to thousands of Deaf and hard of hearing New Zealanders.
What does NFDHH do?
NFDHH’s offices are based in Auckland. However, we work across New Zealand and offer our services throughout the North and South Islands.
Where does NFDHH work?
Most of NFDHH’s funds come from the generous donations from our donor community. We also receive funds from our partners and grant providers, who help us to deliver specific projects.
How is NFDHH Funded?
There are many ways you can get involved with NFDHH. You could donate to support our work, you could help to raise awareness for the experiences of Deaf and hard of hearing Kiwis, you could fundraise or volunteer your time.
Sign up to our newsletter or follow us on Facebook, Instagram or LinkedIn to keep up-to-date with our upcoming campaigns and activities.
I want to get involved. What can I do to help?
Every amount counts! Small or large, your generous donation will make a difference. Donations provide urgently needed funds towards our work combating preventable hearing loss in schools. Donations also help us to offer more grants towards much-needed hearing aids. You’ll also be helping us to continue to advocate for universal hearing health care and better access to essential support services for our community.
You can donate online or call 09 307 2922 or 0800 867 446
How can I donate to NFDHH?
By becoming a monthly donor, your regular contribution will help to ensure we can make a strong commitment to our community and the services and support we provide them. Your monthly funds that allow us to plan ahead and deliver our nationwide programmes. Set up a monthly gift online or call 09 307 2922 or 0800 867 446
How can I become a regular giver? Where does NFDHH work?
Yes you can. You can chose to support one of our specific programmes or campaigns. Please call our friendly team on 09 307 2922 or 0800 867 446 to discuss or email us at:
Can I support a specific project?
There are many ways you can raise money for NFDHH. Please call our friendly team on 09 307 2922 or 0800 867 446 to discuss or email us at:
How can I fundraise for NFDHH?
Bequests ensure we can be there for future generations. By leaving a gift in your Will you will be helping NFDHH to continue to plan for the future and be contributing to better hearing health outcomes and accessiblity in the years to come. Find out more about how to remember NFDHH by leaving gift in your Will.
Can I leave a bequest to NFDHH?
For single donations made through the post or by phone, NFDHH will post your tax receipt within 7 working days of your donation. And for online donations, your receipt will be sent by email on the same day. Regular givers will receive an annual tax receipt during early April.
If you have an questions about your receipt, please get in touch. Call our team on 09 307 2922 or 0800 867 446 to discuss or email us at:
When will I receive my tax receipt?
To update your details with us, please call our team on 09 307 2922 or 0800 867 446 to discuss or email us at:
Learn more about our privacy policy here.
How do I update my details?
Our volunteers are special people who offer their valuable time to help keep our organisation running. Volunteers often work alongside our team in our Auckland offices and support upcoming campaigns or events. Your working hours can be flexible between Monday – Friday.
Find out more about volunteering with NFDHH.
I’m interested in volunteering with NFDHH.
NFDHH is currently campaigning for universal hearing healthcare and is collaborating with the hearing sector to drive systematic change through a new public health programme.
We are working in secondary schools to deliver hearing screening and hearing health education programmes. Learn more about our School Programmes.
We are also working alongside employers to transform workplaces to be more inclusive of employees who are Deaf or hard of hearing. Learn more about Workplace Education.
What are NFDHH’s current programmes or campaigns?
Can’t find the answer you’re looking for? Please call our team on 09 307 2922 or 0800 867 446 or email us at:
I can’t find an answer to my question. Who can I contact?
You can learn more about NFDHH’s general privacy policy here.
If you’d like to learn more about NFDHH’s privacy policy for our work in schools with young people and how we protect their personal information, you can access this privacy policy here.
How does NFDHH collect, use, protect and share personal information?
Tinnitus is the perception of noise, such as ringing, buzzing or clicking in your ears. Everyone experiences tinnitus sporadically from time to time but usually the perceived noise is very brief.
However, for around 15 – 20% of people the buzzing or ringing is permanent.
If the tinnitus is constant and intense it can be very unpleasant, make it hard to concentrate or fall asleep, and can also lead to anxiety or depression.

Why do I have tinnitus?
Having tinnitus does not necessarily mean a person is going deaf, but it can be an early sign of hearing loss.
Tinnitus usually occurs due to aging or exposure to loud noise. The brain then tries to make sense of the change in your hearing system, by amplifying the change, and therefore creating tinnitus.
Tinnitus can also be caused by head and neck injuries such as whiplash, an infection in the ear, stress, raised blood pressure, medication, surgery or inner-ear pressure caused by scuba diving. In certain circumstances, the tinnitus can also be caused by excess ear wax.
If I develop tinnitus, what should I do?
If you suffer from tinnitus you should first discuss it with your doctor. Sometimes the cause can be treated medically by the GP, an otolaryngologist (ear, nose and throat specialist) or cardiovascular specialist.
If the problem doesn′t have an immediate medical solution, you can get an assessment with a hearing therapist or audiologist.
It’s important to understand that most cases of tinnitus cannot be cured, only managed. Due to this, a medical professional such as an audiologist should help you develop an informed approach to manage it.
Below are some of the common strategies you can use to help manage the impact of your tinnitus.
Tips for Managing Tinnitus
Stress is known to aggravate tinnitus. It is recommended to try relaxation techniques, such as listening to soothing sounds, yoga, and meditation, can help.
Counselling from an audiologist, hearing therapist, otologist or other trained people can help lessen the impact of tinnitus.
Your doctor or local audiology clinic should be able to connect you with a therapist if they don't offer this service.
Auditory Habituation Therapy
Auditory habituation therapy aims to get the brain so used to a neutral sound that it mixes with the tinnitus and no longer pays attention to it. If the brain becomes accustomed to the sound - it may learn to ignore the tinnitus completely. Learn more.
Tinnitus Support Devices
Special hearing aid-like devices can help to mask Tinnitus by playing certain types of noise, for example, white noise or static.
Some devices combine amplification and producing sound (combination aids).
See your local audiology clinic to learn more.
Other Masking Devices
Tinnitus can often be worse at night, and make sleep difficult. A radio tuned between stations on the FM produces static or white noise that can prove helpful. Some masking devices can be programmed to play a number of different masking sounds (e.g. static, rainfall, ocean or surf).
Diet and Medication
Many different foods, drinks and medicines make tinnitus worse for some people.
As the effects of foods differ widely, it is best to try and identify those which are causing a problem. Start with those that are high in caffeine, such as coffee, tea or chocolate, very salty foods, red wine, and cheese.
Funding for Hearing Aid Batteries
If you have left education you can still get funding for your hearing aid batteries through the Ministry of Disabled People's NASC process. Below are the steps to follow to access the funding.
Contact your local NASC here -
Select your region then under “Filter NASC Services” untick Mental Health Services and Older People's Services but keep Disability Services ticked
Arrange a Needs assessment with your local NASC provider and have your medical reports handy.
Request Individualized funding - this can also be used for other hearing technology - Follow this link to find out more about Individualized funding -
Explain you would like funding for your hearing aid batteries and equipment under the funding stream Personal Care (PC),as it will support you to participate in society.
When you are given a disability budget the funding is routed through a Ministry Agent called a Host. Choose your host and your NASC will send them a Notice to set you up. Someone from your host organization will walk everything through with you.
Clearly set out to your Host what you need, and why and make sure they understand the goal is to allow you to live a good life in the community.

Tinnitus Tunes has been a successful therapy for 80% of people who have tried it.

Tinnibot is a new virtual companion in your pocket, to help you manage tinnitus.
Seeking a way to manage your Tinnitus?