2024 Roadmap
2024 is shaping up to be another big year as we expand our programmes and services into new areas and regions. There is a lot to do and there are many ways you can support our work and get involved. Read on to learn about NFDHH's goals for the year ahead.
Raise awareness for the increasing levels of hearing loss around the world and the World Health Organization’s call for “Hearing Care for All.”
NFDHH, its member groups and supporting organisations will continue to campaign for government support for a Public Health Programme to combat the rising levels of hearing loss and to provide better "Hearing Care for All" New Zealanders.
Read the World Health Organization’s World Report on Hearing and learn more about why there is a global call to action for policymakers and the public alike to prioritise hearing health.
Help New Zealanders who need hearing aids to access them through the Hearing Aid Fund.
With the support of our donors and partners, NFDHH aim to provide 20 grants in 2024 to support hard of hearing Kiwis to access the hearing aids they need to thrive. We do this by helping to bridge the financial gap with individual $500 grants through our Hearing Aid Fund.
Combat Youth Hearing Loss by educating kids about how to Make Listening Safe.
NFDHH is focused on educating young New Zealanders about the importance of caring for their hearing for life. The Make Listening Safe programme teaches kids to be more aware of safe levels of noise in their day to day lives, particularly digital media and music. In 2024, we aim to extend the reach of this programme using digital and social media channels to help educate young people and their families on the importance of protecting their hearing.
Advocate for a more inclusive society that recognises the challenges that affect Deaf and hard of hearing New Zealanders.
NFDHH will continue to advocate for universal access for all Deaf and hard of hearing New Zealanders to vital services, technology, communication tools and support. We also aim to double our efforts to raise awareness for the experiences of being Deaf or hard of hearing in New Zealand and encourage everyone to be more aware. In 2024, NFDHH, its member organisations and other industry organisations will continue its work on a Public Health Programme designed to bring about significant change and provide better hearing health care for all New Zealanders.
Provide early detection and intervention through our Hearing Screening Programme in secondary schools.
NFDHH aim to increase the reach of our Hearing Screening Programme in secondary schools from 43 schools in 2023 to 60 schools across New Zealand in 2024.
Hearing screenings for adolescents are essential for ensuring young people receive a timely diagnosis and the hearing health care they need. The data collected will be presented to Government to highlight the rising rates of youth hearing loss in New Zealand and will highlight the need for a national adolescent hearing screening programme.
Transform New Zealand workplaces into places that are supportive of Deaf and hard of hearing employees.
NFDHH will continue our efforts to make New Zealand workplaces hearing loss aware by signing on more employers to our Hearing Accredited Workplace Programme and by delivering educational workshops and hearing screenings to businesses across the country. In 2023 we delivered over 30 workshops to organisations throughout the country. In 2024, we hope to double our efforts.
Support Deaf and hard of hearing New Zealanders wanting to learn more about New Zealand Sign Language to take the first step on their journey.
NFDHH aim to support our community by offering NZSL and Deaf Culture workshops. NZSL is a beautiful language and can really help those who are feeling isolated to connect. Our workshops aim to offer a first step towards learning more about this amazing language.
Bring the Deaf and hard of hearing community together and foster support and connection.
NFDHH aim to continue to grow and nurture our vibrant and thriving online community, where Deaf and hard of hearing Kiwis can find support and share their stories. This year our focus is on increasing our reach using social media to connect with more Deaf and hard of hearing New Zealanders and to provide meaningful and informative content that help to raise awareness, inspire, and educate our community.