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We believe that experience of hearing loss should be visible and understood in New Zealand.
That's why we are working hard to raise awareness for the everyday experiences of Deaf and hard of hearing Kiwis.
All of our events focus on creating a more inclusive and accessible society that recognises the needs of our Deaf and hard of hearing community.
Listen Up 2023
Proudly sponsored by Auckland Transport, our Venue Partner, and Triton Hearing, our Hearing Accredited Partner.
Access Matters: From Access Denied to Access Enabled.
On World Hearing Day, the Listen Up Conference 2023 shone a light on accessibility for Deaf or hard of hearing employees and customers.
With one in six New Zealanders living with hearing loss - accessibility isn’t just an option.
We explored issues such as the cost of denying access through a lack of accommodation and accessibility strategies that can be put in place in workplaces to enable and empower.
It was an incredibly moving and informative day, enjoyed by all who attended.

What people said about Listen Up 2023
‘Amazing morning at the National Foundation for Deaf and Hard of Hearing’s Listen Up Conference the World Hearing Day! A fantastic selection of speakers, sharing insights on actionable steps to support how we can enable Deaf and hard of hearing employees and customers at Yellow New Zealand’
- Nicole Dale of Yellow.
‘A great conference, great speakers. Making accessibility visible and highlighting the need for employers to do more. Thank you!’ - Adele Thomas of Te Whatu Ora.
‘We really enjoyed the conference and learnt a lot from the speakers. It was great to meet a variety of professionals, hard of hearing, Deaf people and organisation staff.’
- Natasha Jumelet and Monica Leach of Deaf Wellbeing Society.